Joint Responsability

The implementation of the service provided by QEAT is based on the collection and treatment of personal data related to the guest of restaurants.  Such collection and treatment are under the joint responsibility of QEAT and the restaurants.

QEAT and each restaurant are linked by a written agreement specifying in a transparent manner the respective obligations of the parties to ensure the fulfilment of the requirements of the General data protection regulation (“GDPR"), including regarding the exercise of the rights of the data subject. 

In particular, the agreement indicates that the restaurant is required to inform its clients of the collection and process of their personal data, to determine a category of guests.

In any case, in accordance with article 26 of the GDPR, the data subjects may exercise their rights, in particular their rights of access, rectification or opposition to the process by notifying QEAT as well as the restaurant.

To exercise your rights with QEAT, you only need to send an e-mail to the following address

To get information on the way QEAT collect and process your personal data, we suggest you read our confidentiality charter.

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